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Donahoe has served as the executive director of the Global Digital Policy Incubator, and will take a leave of absence to serve in this newly created role at the U.S. Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy.

Asia Health Policy Program Director Karen Eggleston has coauthored the new third edition of Victor Fuch's 'Who Shall Live: Health, Economics, and Social Choice,' an authoritative book considering the great health challenges of our time.

AI algorithms often are trained on adult data, which can skew results when evaluating children. A new perspective piece by SHP's Sherri Rose and several Stanford Medicine colleagues lays out an approach for pediatric populations.

SCCEI Co-Director Scott Rozelle joined a select group of ten academics from the U.S. to participate in a Track Two diplomacy effort between the U.S. and China. Together, they traveled to Beijing where they met with 12 scholars from China to discuss the current state of scholarly exchange between the two countries, as well as strategies to improve it.

YouTube rabbit holes are rare, but an SIO Scholar finds the platform can still help alternative and extremist channels build audiences.

The second annual convening of the Trans-Pacific Sustainability Dialogue will gather social science researchers and scientists from Stanford University and across the Asia-Pacific region alongside young leaders, policymakers, and practitioners, to expedite energy security solutions, investment, and policy support. Held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on September 12-14, 2023, the dialogue features award-winning actor and director Cha In-pyo as honorary ambassador.

An experienced academic leader and prominent legal scholar, Martinez will become the university’s chief academic officer and chief budgetary officer on Oct. 1.

The Center offers a suite of fellowships for Asia researchers to begin in fall quarter 2024. These include postdoctoral fellowships on Asia-focused health policy, contemporary Japan, and the Asia-Pacific region, postdoctoral fellowships and visiting scholar positions with the Stanford Next Asia Policy Lab, and fellowships for experts on Southeast Asia.

Francis Fukuyama and Michael Bennon share their insights on the potential implications of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on global development finance, as well as suggestions for reforms that could bolster international stakeholders’ ability to manage any potential debt crises arising from BRI projects.

SHP's Adrienne Sabety and Bay Area experts in homelessness have launched an innovative experiment to determine whether giving unhoused people unconditional cash payments will improve their housing insecurity.

"America in One Room: Democratic Reform" polled participants before and after deliberation to gauge their opinions on democratic reform initiatives, including voter access and voting protections, non-partisan election administration, protecting against election interference, Supreme Court reform, and more. The results show many significant changes toward bipartisan agreement, even on the most contentious issues.

Law and governance expert Amichai Magen joins FSI Director Michael McFaul on the World Class podcast to discuss the judicial reforms recently passed by Israel’s legislature, and the implications these have for democracy in Israel and beyond.

Housed within the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, the lab will pioneer evidence-based policy research to help Asian nations forge pathways to a future characterized by social, cultural, economic, and political maturity and advance U.S.-Asia dialogue.

The Stanford Center on China’s Economy and Institutions and Asia Society Policy Institute’s Center for China Analysis co-organized a closed-door roundtable on the extent, causes, and implications of China’s current property sector slowdown and produced a summary report of the discussion.

Fisher Family Honors Program graduate Tara Hein (‘23) reflects on her time at Stanford and the community she found within the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law.

On July 28, 2023, Stanford University and the Stanford Internet Observatory filed an amicus brief in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of the Missouri v. Biden appellants.

New research by Maria Polyakova, an assistant professor of health policy and faculty fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, takes an in-depth look at how—and how much—physicians are paid in the United States.

Led by former Prime Minister of New Zealand Rt. Hon. Dame Jacinda Ardern, a delegation from the Christchurch Call joined Stanford scholars to discuss how to address the challenges posed by emerging technologies.

Michelle Mello and colleagues write in this JAMA Network Viewpoint that civic values were eroded during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating a groundswell of resistance to vaccines that have been a bedrock principle of U.S. public health policy.

Professor Kiyoteru Tsutsui, a recipient of the Suntory Prize for Arts and Letters and the Ishibashi Tanzan Prize, is a member of the third cohort of the U.S.-Japan Next Generation Network, an exchange program of policy experts from the United States and Japan launched in 2009 by the Mansfield Foundation in the United States in cooperation with the Japan Foundation. As a participant in the network, he explores the state of Japanese studies in the United States.

New report finds an increasingly decentralized social media landscape offers users more choice, but poses technical challenges for addressing child exploitation and other online abuse.