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Michelle Mello and colleagues write in this JAMA Network Viewpoint that civic values were eroded during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating a groundswell of resistance to vaccines that have been a bedrock principle of U.S. public health policy.

New report finds an increasingly decentralized social media landscape offers users more choice, but poses technical challenges for addressing child exploitation and other online abuse.

Stanford Medicine and Stanford Health Care researchers, officials and staffers attend a large health fair in Oakland to promote Stanford’s commitment to community outreach.

This annual competition provides an opportunity for emerging scholars to share new ideas on urgent global policy challenges, producing outstanding essays that make their original research more accessible to policymakers, practitioners, and the general public.

Published in the Annals of Internal Medicine; co-authored by Renée DiResta, Research Manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory

The experience of an undergraduate student at Waseda University participating in the SPICE-Waseda intensive course.

Kahl, who previously served as co-director at FSI's Center for International Security and Cooperation, was the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy at the Department of Defense.

David Studdert, professor of health policy and of law, has been named vice provost and dean of research (VPDoR) at Stanford effective Sept. 1, 2023. He will also assume the role of cognizant dean for the university’s 15 independent laboratories, institutes, and centers.

Recent developments suggest possible links between some ransomware groups and the Russian government. We investigate this relationship by creating a dataset of ransomware victims and analyzing leaked communications from a major ransomware group.

Celebrate the 2023 graduates of the Stanford Health Policy community, with master's and PhD and fellowships in health policy.

Graduate student Tamaki Hoshi shares reflections on the SPICE-Waseda joint course.

At the graduation ceremony for the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy, student speaker Miku Yamada cheered on the connections and accomplishments the Class of 2023 have achieved during the last two years.

The Class of 2023 celebrated their graduation with friends, family, and encouragement from Rose Gottemoeller to use the qualities of humanity to guide them through an increasingly technological world.

In July 2023, CDDRL will welcome a diverse cohort of 33 experienced practitioners from 21 countries who are working to advance democratic practices and economic and legal reform in contexts where freedom, human development, and good governance are fragile or at risk.

SCCEI is pleased to announce the formation of the SCCEI Faculty Steering Committee. The committee consists of our two co-directors, Hongbin Li and Scott Rozelle, as well as three esteemed faculty members, Grant Miller, Jennifer Pan, and Xueguang Zhou.

The Stanford Internet Observatory and Thorn find rapid advances in generative machine learning make it possible to create realistic imagery that is facilitating child sexual exploitation.

From the New York Times, reporting on the Stanford Internet Observatory's recent report: Generative ML and CSAM: Implications and Mitigations

Rose was recognized for treating diversity and inclusion as investments in Stanford’s future and conducting research that exposes how medical and health policy decision have the power to exacerbate disadvantage and equity.

More than 6,300 deliberators from 32 countries and nine regions around the world participated in the Metaverse Community Forum on Bullying and Harassment.

SCCEI’s Impact Team attended the 13th Annual China Business Conference held in Washington, D.C. in May 2023. The team shares insights from the conference on issues raised surrounding the troubled U.S.-China relationship.