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Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers, page(s): 27,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers, page(s): 52,
Policy Briefs
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International Crime and Violence Lab, page(s): 20,
Journal Articles
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Journal of Political Economy,
Working Papers
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KU Leuven LICOS,
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Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, distributed by Brookings Institution Press,
Journal Articles
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Inside Higher Ed,
Journal Articles
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Higher Education Research & Development,
Working Papers
Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC),
Journal Articles
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The China Quarterly,
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Palgrave Macmillan UK,
The National Bureau of Asian Research,
Journal Articles
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2792–2804,
Journal Articles
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Annual Review of Political Science,
TELOS, Critical Theory of the Contemporary ,
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Political Science Research and Methods,
Toyo Keizai Online (Tokyo Business Today),