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Nora Sulots

In July 2024, the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law will welcome a diverse cohort of 27 experienced practitioners from 21 countries who are working to advance democratic practices and economic and legal reform in contexts where freedom, human development, and good governance are fragile or at risk.

Anna Grzymala-Busse's book "Sacred Foundations" has been awarded the American Political Science Association's J. David Greenstone Award and the Hubert Morken Best Book in Religion and Politics Award. Erin Baggott Carter and Brett Carter's book "Propaganda in Autocracies" has won the Hazel Gaudet-Erskine Best Book Award from the International Journal of Press/Politics.

A new working group led by Francis Fukuyama seeks to protect and reform the U.S. civil service by promoting nonpartisan, effective, and adaptable workforce practices while opposing politicization efforts like "Schedule F."

Liza Goldberg and Melissa Severino de Oliveira (Fisher Family Honors Program class of 2024) are among the newest members of this prestigious academic honors society.

Gombojavyn Zandanshatar, Chairman of the State Great Khural (the Parliament of Mongolia) and a former CDDRL visiting scholar, reports that a second National Deliberative Poll in his country has successfully led to a new Constitutional Amendment.

We are thrilled to welcome fourteen outstanding students, who together represent fourteen different majors and minors and hail from eight different states and two countries, to our Fisher Family Honors Program in Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law.

The Fred Riggs Award for Lifetime Achievement in Public Administration is an academic award given annually by the Section on International and Comparative Administration of the American Society for Public Administration.

During her tenure at Stanford, Dr. Richardson will embark on individual research endeavors while focusing on completing her forthcoming book project, titled "Great Changes Unseen in a Century: How to Save Democracy and Human Rights from Xi Jinping."

Led by Professor Hakeem Jefferson, the program housed at the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law will advance innovative research on the multifaceted dimensions of identity and their role in democratic development, struggles for recognition, social justice, and inclusion.

In a TEDxStanford talk, Alice Siu discusses how applying and spreading deliberative democracy can better engage us all in our shared public problems.

This module examines the issue of ineffective border control in Costa Rica, its impact on trade, and the various stakeholders involved. Through this case study, students will learn how reform leaders apply stakeholder analysis to formulate an implementation strategy.

Francis Fukuyama and Michael Bennon share their insights on the potential implications of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on global development finance, as well as suggestions for reforms that could bolster international stakeholders’ ability to manage any potential debt crises arising from BRI projects.

"America in One Room: Democratic Reform" polled participants before and after deliberation to gauge their opinions on democratic reform initiatives, including voter access and voting protections, non-partisan election administration, protecting against election interference, Supreme Court reform, and more. The results show many significant changes toward bipartisan agreement, even on the most contentious issues.

In July 2023, CDDRL will welcome a diverse cohort of 33 experienced practitioners from 21 countries who are working to advance democratic practices and economic and legal reform in contexts where freedom, human development, and good governance are fragile or at risk.

Tara Hein ('23) is a recipient of the 2023 Firestone Medal and Sean Michael ('23) has won CDDRL's Outstanding Thesis Award.

The award recognizes Kuo and Kelly's paper, “State Capacity and Public Health: California and COVID-19,” as the best paper on health politics and policy presented at the 2022 American Political Science Association (APSA) conference.

Tara Hein and Sorcha Whitley (honors class of 2023) are among the newest members of this prestigious academic honors society.

This single-video module examines the case of Gifford Pinchot and Sustainable Forest Management. Through this case study, students will gain a better understanding of how good communication is important for persuading stakeholders that a reform objective is both achievable and beneficial.

On May 25, CDDRL’s Deliberative Democracy Lab (DDL), in partnership with the Nobel Prize Summit, will run an exercise in large-scale group deliberation on the subject of online misinformation and polarization and what to do about it. This demonstration will help develop the capacity to democratically vet policy proposals concerning the information landscape.

Riya Mehta (Fisher Family Honors Program class of 2017-18) is among 85 scholars in the Knight-Hennessy Scholars' sixth cohort.