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Journal Articles
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PLoS One,
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS),
Hoover Digest,
Journal Articles
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The Journal of Politics,
Journal Articles
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Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Oncology,
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Cambridge University Press, 2016,
Working Papers
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Working Paper,
Journal Articles
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Working Papers
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Asia Health Policy Program working paper # 41,
Working Papers
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Asia Health Policy Program working paper # 40,
Journal Articles
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International Journal of Educational Development,
Journal Articles
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The Journal of Modern History,
Journal Articles
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International Journal of Equity in Health,
Journal Articles
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The American Journal of Managed Care,
Journal Articles
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The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease,
Toyo Keizai Online,
Journal Articles
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Journal of Development Effectiveness,
Journal Articles
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Comparative Political Studies,