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Thomas Fingar

A new article for The Washington Quarterly, co-authored by Thomas Fingar and David M. Lampton, investigates the drivers of Chinese policy behavior, assesses the role of U.S. policy in shaping it, and suggests steps to reduce the heightened tensions between the two superpowers.

Drawing on his experience implementing one of the most comprehensive reforms to the national security establishment, APARC Fellow Thomas Fingar provides newly appointed government officials with a practical guide for translating mandates into attainable mission objectives.

China has had great success, but the era of miracle growth is over. Citizen needs and expectations are rising, and deferred reforms are riskier and more necessary, explain Jean Oi and Thomas Fingar on the World Class Podcast.

In a video Q&A, Fingar discusses the challenges for the U.S.-China relationship and the principles that shape China’s foreign policy and international behavior.

In our online conversation, Fingar discusses the 2008 National Intelligence Council report he oversaw and that urged action on coronavirus pandemic preparedness, explains the U.S. initial failed response to the COVID-19 outbreak, and considers the implications of the current crisis for U.S.-China relations.