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Journal Articles
Pill-Splitting: The Potential to Achieve Cost-Savings
American Journal of Managed Care,
Working Papers
Vision for Global Electrification, A
Program on Energy and Sustainable Development Working Paper #7,
Working Papers
Measures of Patient Safety Based on Hospital Administrative Data: The Patient Safety Indicators
University of California San Francisco-Stanford Evidence-Based Practice Center under contract no. 290-97-0013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, Maryland,
Journal Articles
Safe but Sound: Patient Safety Meets Evidence-Based Medicine
Journal of the American Medical Association,
Working Papers
Integrating New Genetic Techniques into the Improvement of Orphan Crops in Least Developed Countries
6th Annual Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies, Ravello, Italy,
Journal Articles
Development of an Appropriate List of Surgical Procedures of a Specified Maximum Anesthetic Complexity to be Performed at a New Ambulatory Surgery Facility
Anesthesia & Analgesia,
Working Papers
Foreign Penetration of Japan's Investment-Banking Market: Will Japan Experience the "Wimbledon Effect"?
Shorenstein APARC,
Journal Articles
Trends in the Use of Technology for Heart Attacks and Stroke, the US Experience in Light of the TECH Research Network
Presented with Panel Session: Bridging the Gaps in the International Analysis of Health Care Systems: The Recent Experience of the OECD. Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy,
Journal Articles
Migration, markets, and mangrove resource use in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia
Journal Articles
Income Determination and Market Opportunity in Rural China, 1978-1996
Journal of Comparative Economics,
Journal Articles
Carving up the Commons-Emergence of a New International Regime for Germplasm Development and Transfer
Food Policy,
Journal Articles
What's Ahead for Health Insurance in the United States?
New England Journal of Medicine,
Working Papers
Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response: Use of Information Technologies and Decision Support Systems
UCSF-Stanford Evidence-Based Practice Center, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,
Journal Articles
Changing Allocations of Operating Room Time from a System Based on Historical Utilization to One Where the Aim is to Schedule as Many Surgical Cases as Possible
Anesthesia & Analgesia,
Working Papers
Challenges of Peri-urbanization in the Lower Yangtze region: The Case of the Hanzhou-Ningbo Corridor
Shorenstein APARC,
Journal Articles
Beijing Red Guard Factionalism: Social Interpretations Reconsidered
The Journal of Asian Studies,
Journal Articles
Adjusted Estimates of the United States-China Trade Balances: 1995-2002
Journal of Asian Economics,
Journal Articles
Mortality in Low Birth Weight Infants According to Level of Neonatal Care at Hospital of Birth