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Beatriz Magaloni
Journal Articles
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Comparative Political Studies,
Journal Articles
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Journal Articles
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Journal Articles
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White Papers
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Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers, page(s): 27,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers, page(s): 52,
Policy Briefs
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International Crime and Violence Lab, page(s): 20,
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Cambridge University Press, 2016,
Journal Articles
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International Journal of Educational Development,
Journal Articles
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International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 51, page(s): 12,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers,
Policy Briefs
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International Crime and Violence Lab,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Paper,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Paper, page(s): 49,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers,
Working Papers
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CDDRL Working Papers, page(s): 47,