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Karen Eggleston
Working Papers
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Asia Health Policy Program working paper # 61,
Journal Articles
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Health Economics,
Journal Articles
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Health Economics,
Working Papers
Asia Health Policy Program working paper # 56,
Journal Articles
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The Journal of the Economics of Ageing,
Journal Articles
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Current Diabetes Reports,
Working Papers
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Asia Health Policy Program working paper # 55,
Journal Articles
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The Journal of the Economics of Ageing,
Journal Articles
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BMJ Open,
Journal Articles
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Journal of Diabetes Investigation,
Journal Articles
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Health Affairs,
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Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, distributed by Brookings Institution Press,
Journal Articles
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The China Quarterly,
Working Papers
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Asia Health Policy Program working paper # 41,
Working Papers
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Asia Health Policy Program working paper # 40,
Working Papers
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Asia Health Policy Program working paper # 41,