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Clayborne Carson

“When I Get Grown: Reflections of a Freedom Rider,” a film based on Dr. Clayborne Carson's interviews with American civil rights activist Bernard Lafayette, is available to stream for free throughout the month of February.

SPICE recommends the use of a short lecture—titled “Civil and Human Rights: The Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy” by Dr. Clayborne Carson—for high school and college levels.

Available through Stanford Continuing Studies, "American Prophet: The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr." will run online for eight weeks on Thursdays from January 20 through March 10, 2022.

Led by Clayborne Carson, the new project works to realize King's vision of the world as a large house in which "we must learn somehow to live with each other in peace.”

In his new role on the Civil Rights Cold Case Review Board, Dr. Carson, a seminal scholar on the life and writing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., will review dozens of unsolved and racially motivated murder cases from the civil rights era.

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Clayborne Carson as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Centennial Professor Emeritus at FSI.

Stanford historian Clayborne Carson reflects on a career dedicated to studying and preserving the legacy of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.