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Scott Rozelle
Journal Articles
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China & World Economy,
Journal Articles
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American Journal of Opthalmology,
Journal Articles
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Journal Articles
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Oxford Scholarship Online,
Journal Articles
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Comparative Education Review,
Journal Articles
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China and World Economy,
Journal Articles
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Journal Articles
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The China Quarterly,
Journal Articles
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China Economic Review,
Journal Articles
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American Journal of Ophthalmology,
Journal Articles
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Health Affairs Volume 34, Issue 11,
Journal Articles
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JAMA Ophthalmology,
Journal Articles
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Journal of Development Effectiveness,
Journal Articles
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British Medical Journal,
Journal Articles
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China Economic Review,
Journal Articles
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American Journal of Ophthalmology,
Journal Articles
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Health Affairs,
Journal Articles
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Health Affairs,
Journal Articles
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BMC Health Services Research,
Journal Articles
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China & World Economy ,
Working Papers
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National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER),
Journal Articles
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PLOS Negleted Tropical Diseases,