Kim Babiarz


Kim Babiarz, MA, PhD

  • Sr. Research Scholar, Health Policy

Stanford Health Policy, 615 Crothers way, Room 222, Stanford, CA 94305-6006

(650) 724-5325 (voice)
(650) 723-1919 (fax)


Dr. Babiarz’s research focuses on fertility and family planning programs, infant and maternal health, and the gender dynamics of global health. She has studied human trafficking in China and South East Asia, and currently works on quantitative approaches to issues of human trafficking and child labor in Brazil.  Dr. Babiarz specializes in large-scale program evaluations and quasi-experimental study designs. She holds a PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California, Davis (2011).


Working Papers
December 2017

Family Planning and Fertility Behavior: Evidence from Twentieth Century Malaysia

Family Planning and Fertility Behavior: Evidence from Twentieth Century Malaysia
Working Papers
April 2017

Population Policy, Fertility Decline, and Sex Selection: New Evidence from China under Mao

Population Policy, Fertility Decline, and Sex Selection: New Evidence from China under Mao
Working Papers
January 2015

Family Planning Program Effects: A Review of Evidence from Microdata

Family Planning Program Effects: A Review of Evidence from Microdata

In The News

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Stanford Researchers Investigate Human Trafficking Alongside Brazilian Partners in the Amazon Rainforest

An estimated 1 million people are held in conditions of modern slavery in Brazil today. Members of the Stanford Human Trafficking Data Lab travel to Brazil to investigate possible trafficking sites while working alongside their Brazilian counterparts to expand an AI database designed to help authorities find illegal camps faster and more effectively.
Stanford Researchers Investigate Human Trafficking Alongside Brazilian Partners in the Amazon Rainforest
Brazil hotspots

Melding Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms with Health Care and Policy to Combat Human Trafficking

The Stanford Human Trafficking Data Lab conducts critical research through a collaboration among academics, health-care providers and frontline trafficking experts and prosecutors, using promising innovations in modern data science.
Melding Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms with Health Care and Policy to Combat Human Trafficking