
Yian Guo is a program manager at the Rural Education Action Program (REAP), working primarily on the Healthy Future project. She holds a B.S. in Applied Psychology from New York University and an M.A. in International Education Policy Analysis from Stanford University. Yian's research interests are informed by her volunteering experience in rural Inner Mongolian schools and her involvement in research on Chinese adolescents. From the impact of teacher's perception on students' academic performance to early childhood development and education, Yian is exploring and refining her topic of interest while doing her part to bridge research to practice.

Program Manager, Rural Education Action Program
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Encina Hall, 10D MIP Suite, 616 Jane Stanford Way Stanford, CA 94305
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Dr. Chonira Aturupane is a Senior Research Scholar at the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, and Associate Director, Academic and Student Affairs, at the Ford Dorsey Master’s in International Policy (MIP) program at the Freeman Spogli Institute (FSI), Stanford University. She teaches the MIP courses, The Global Economy, Trade and Development, and Economics of Corruption. Her research interests include economic growth, international trade, international finance, and corruption. Prior to coming to Stanford in 2004, she was an Economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington D.C., where she focused on IMF policy and review, and participated in IMF missions to Azerbaijan, Mongolia, and Samoa. She was also an external consultant to the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) on international trade policy. Additionally she served on the FSI Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) Task Force in 2020-2021. She received a BA in Economics summa cum laude (with highest honors in Economics) from Smith College, Massachusetts, and an MA and Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University.

Associate Director, Academic and Student Affairs at the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy
Senior Research Scholar, Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law
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CDDRL Visiting Scholar and former Foreign Minister of Mongolia Zandanshatar Gombojav recently published an article in a Mongolian news outlet, Today.mn, commenting on the nation's deteriorating human rights record. Citing an increase in criminal cases involving foreign and domestic workers, Gombojov argues that Mongolia is no longer a secure and protected environment for business and investment. Without more transparent judicial processes, Gombojov believes Mongolia's economic difficulties will continue to worsen. Read more on Gombojav's commentary below, translated to English from Mongolian. For the full article in Mongolian, see the link above.

Lately, websites have been screaming loudly that freedom and human rights are being violated in Mongolia for both foreigners and local people. Those who run businesses are especially concerned, and live and work in constant fear.

It is accurate to say that present-day Mongolia has turned into a real nightmare for foreign investors.  Cases are sensationalized, regardless of whether the alleged perpetrator is guilty or not.  When cases involve politicians or businessmen, they continue until the accused are forced to their knees for the alleged crimes.

In Mongolia, we have an old saying about the sanctity of reputation that has seemingly been forgotten: “Break my bones instead of my reputation.”  Since 2005, there have been numerous cases when peoples’ reputations have been insulted and assaulted.  The system does not adjudicate or resolve cases according to a rule of law or well-established procedures, but rather through unsubstantiated, spurious and unethical allegations that have polluted Mongolian society.  And it doesn’t stop there.

The assault on reputations that is characterized by false accusations is expanding and becoming evermore pervasive, thus creating a huge obstacle to our economy’s development and growth.  It is unfortunate that the authorities are stirring up this circumstance, rather than seeking understanding, and taking firm action to combat mis-information and promote transparency and the rule-of-law.

One of the classic examples is the court verdict recently rendered on the three managers of “SouthGobi Sands (SGS),” which has been the object of sensational international news. If it is true that the three who have been accused are proven to have really committed tax evasion for their employer, SGS, then they should be punished according to the laws and procedures of Mongolia.  No one would argue with this.

But the case is not clear–cut or definitive. Doubt hangs behind the allegations because it is very unclear what kind of reasons or motivation are hiding behind the accusation.  The ex-managers of “SouthGobi Sands” have been sentenced to long prison terms by the criminal court, which makes everyone, foreign and domestic, worried. Foreign experts, including the US embassy, believe that this case has violated the three men’s human rights, and consequently the case has been carried actively by U.S. media.

Fortune.com reports “Rather than symbolizing due process in an emerging democracy, the trial’s numerous irregularities have raised fears that a country struggling with a resource curse has further dulled its economic prospects.”  Bloomberg Business quotes Chuluunbat Ochirbat, an economic advisor to PM Saikhanbileg as saying:  “It is an unusual practice in Mongolia that tax and other disputes are classified as criminal cases, “ and Dale Choi, founder of Independent Mongolia Metals & Mining Research in Ulaanbaatar, adds:  “It would create very negative publicity. Foreign investors and executives would be scared of signing documents in Mongolia.”  Mining.com, in an article entitled “Mongolian verdict sends chill through mining community,” comments that if the court decision is not reversed, “SouthGobi” will be bankrupted.

This is a small sample of the many posts that have appeared in U.S. and international media over the past two weeks regarding the court sentences of U.S. citizen, Justin Kapla and Philippine citizens, Hilarion V. Cajucom JR and Cristobal G. David.

If we look briefly at this world-wide sensational case: “Three ex-employees of foreign the invested company “SouthGobi Sands” have been sentenced to prison.  When, at the outset, the Tax Department detected a potential violation, they should have had independent experts prepare reports and statements in conjunction with the prosecutors and police overseeing the case. But, the Ministry of Finance prepared the reports itself, without expert review.

In addition, the Ministry’s subsequent inspections only fueled exaggerated reports, instead of inviting independent experts to prepare their own report, affirming or rejecting the legitimacy of the Tax Inspectors findings. The foreign-invested “SouthGobi” had an international audit organization inspect and prepare independent reports; but these were ignored by the Mongolian court.

Furthermore, the prosecutor initially requested that the three only pay a penalty, but later added the much stiffer request for prison terms.  What attracts our attention most is the definition of the case as a criminal case, not a civil case.  It is also puzzling that officials from the Tax Department were not present at the trial, and that the case had been returned twice because of insufficient evidence.

Justin Kapla had worked for “SouthGobi” for only 6 months at the time of the trial, though the tax evasion case had been ongoing for 5 years.  It is not very understandable which laws and rules exactly are served in Mongolia. Obviously, we know that telephone justice dominates in our country.

In the end, the three foreign citizens who were convicted were the hired employees of “SouthGobi”.  It is very unfair and unjust that the company owners and directors escaped prosecution for tax evasion, if indeed it is true and proven.  The owners and directors should be held responsible if there is evidence of wrong-doing, instead of sentencing ex-officers employed for only 6 months to 1 year.

The three are imprisoned in a foreign country accused of evading USD 6.8 billion in taxes. The question that they asked in court: “Did we really evade taxes and hide an amount of money that is equal to Mongolia’s GDP?”  These sound like the words of a desperate person, but they highlight the irresponsibility of our country’s courts and monitoring organizations.

The Mongolian authorities also drew a nonsensical and misleading parallel with the United States, arguing that if the same fraction of GDP was embezzled in the U.S. each politician would have USD 2.2 billion.

U.S. citizen Justin Kapla filed a complaint with the UN High Commission on Human Rights last summer.  Since then, he has noted repeatedly that his treatment and the irresponsible court decision will negatively affect foreign investment in Mongolia. If this negative news and reports continue to spread in international media, the reputation and credibility of the Mongolian courts will be further comprised, and fears will be fueled among people whose trust Mongolia needs.

Several years ago, there was case involving a Japanese investor who was sentenced to prison for drug abuse.  He was ultimately released, but only after having to address and overcome many issues.  First, the court had been playing around with investors from the Republic of China, Korea, and Japan.  Then, as the mining industry grew bigger, the court started harassing other large foreign investors.  It is no secret that small Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese investors are commonly robbed, threatened, and slandered in cases brought on false charges.

Private and public property is sacred in countries where a market economy exists.  The government, or some faction on behalf of the government, are invading private and public property and taking it for themselves. This is a very poisonous and unfortunate chain of events, that communicates to domestic and foreign investors that their businesses and investments in Mongolia are not secure or protected.

We know well that not only foreigners, but also our own people, are struggling to make a living.  They are nonetheless being labeled “criminals” nation-wide, and are accused of unproven crimes associated of “bribery and corruption.”  What we don’t know is how many father’s, son’s, mother’s and daughter’s reputations, work, and lives are being tarnished and damaged by this variant of modern-day repression?

Arresting, imprisoning, and punishing those who create wealth has become a sadness that plagues our society.  This issue has elicited much criticism from law-makers as well. During an interview on Mongol television and News.mn, Member of Parliament U. Enkhtuvshin said: “Rich mining and business owners are the intentional main targets. The authorities conceal the reputation of the individual, his/her family and business through paid media tools.  After that, they sentence him/her to imprisonment. The public is brain-washed by the media and think: “Oh, as expected, this guy has been sentenced for his “you know!!!” crime”.

These kinds of baseless accusations have sadly become commonplace in our society. My successor and now-former Minister of Foreign Affairs Lu. Bold once asked: “Who would want to live or work in a country where the authorities take away investors’ passports, ban them from traveling, and then arrest them for investing after desperately inviting them to come in?”  He added, “Mongolia has turned into a prison”.

In fact, the time has come for us to understand that Mongolia’s current economic difficulties derive from a crisis of politics and from our political structure.  Whose game is it, squeezing the foreign investors out at the same time that the whole world is speculating that Mongolia will go bankrupt from its debt crisis? Whose strategy is it?

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The current state of democracy in Mongolia is 1960 Kuwait, 1980 Qatar, 1995 Abu Dhabi, 2012 Mongolia all the same? This was the headline of the “Financial Times” newspaper in March 2012. Mongolia experienced the fastest growing economic growth in the world with 17.2 % of GDP growth in 2011, 12.3% in 2012. But the growth rate didn’t sustain longer and showed significant decline since 2012. Why? The country has since then not been able to meet the expectations that it had accumulated from its previous year’s successful growth performances. At the same time, the assessments of the rule of law, the political stability and the effectiveness of the government have been downgraded, suggesting that Mongolia may not be immune to the resources curse. In fact, Mongolian democracy has been in decline in the past 5 years because of the weak rule of law and justice, clientelism, patronage, corruption and cronyism without much public engagement. Clientelism and relations of patronage are all at risk, especially with the low level of rule of law and high corruption in the country. 

Mongolia is a landlocked country situated between the world’s two superpowers with hybrid regimes. In the south, it is bordered with China that has socialism with its own Chinese characteristics, and in the north, it is bordered with Russia that has authoritarian/totalitarian oligarchy with father figurehead leaders, what we call as countries with hybrid regime system.

Nevertheless, given the present state of Mongolia, external and internal factors, the manifestation of strong civil society and sound political movements for the change might be crucial aspect for defining country’s path towards full democratic development or essentially a corrupt police state with small elite fraction groups ruling over the poor masses.




Zandanshatar Gombojav comes to Stanford as a Visiting Scholar at CDDRL.  Before his appointment as Foreign Minister, 2011 during which he had many foreign policy accomplishments from renewing the country's foreign policy concept, which was described as democracy-oriented third neighbour policy, to adopting new trade agreements with several partners and thus started the economic dimension program of the foreign relations. He has made significant contribution in making Mongolia the official member of The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). One of the major achievements during his tenure is that Mongolia took presidency over the community of democracies. His current research interest focuses on issues related to the democratic and political development of Mongolia given its geostrategic situation. At Stanford, he will be working on a larger research project encompassing regional democratic and political development from Mongolia's unique perspective.

He has published extensively on various banking issues and also on topics regarding the international relations process in refereed journals and different conference proceedings. He has been a strong supporter of the reform process, being actively involved in the organization of youth development.

Zandanshatar Gombojav General Secretary of the Mongolian People's Party
Lisa Griswold
Lisa Griswold
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Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer among women worldwide and Mongolia has one of the highest incidence rates in Eastern Asia. Prevention and early detection programs are essential to counteract its prevalence, especially in developing countries.

However, women encounter barriers to knowledge and access to cervical cancer screening services in Mongolia – a country with low population density. The urban–rural divide, lagging healthcare reform, and cultural differences are cited as core factors leading to lack of awareness and treatment.

 Gendengarjaa Baigalimaa

To address the rising burden, a national cervical cancer screening program was implemented in August 2012 by Mongolia’s Ministry of Health (MOH) facilitated by a grant from the Millennium Challenge Corporation.

Gendengarjaa Baigalimaa, the 2013-14 Developing Asia Health Policy Fellow at Stanford’s Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center in the Freeman Spogli Institute, has been evaluating the effects of that program. She serves as a gynecological oncologist at the Mongolian National Cancer Center (NCC). Her early findings show that awareness of cervical cancer has increased, and more women and girls are now getting screened. Gendengarjaa recently talked about her research, which she will present at a seminar on April 9.

What does your “typical” patient look like at the NCC and how has your work informed your research?

Patients typically arrive at the NCC with an advanced stage of disease – 70 percent of these women have progressive forms of cervical cancer. Of course it is not easy to work with patients who are this far along, especially if we are unable to offer full palliative services. As the only cancer center in the nation, just 10 gynecological oncologists are available to take on the high demand for treatment services. Healthcare providers and policymakers designed the Mongolian Cervical Cancer Program to address the alarming incidence rate. My research analyzes behavioral change before and after the introduction of the national screening program, bearing in mind my experiences with my own patients.

What does the national cervical cancer screening program facilitate? 

Local doctors and midwives received training on how to administer cervical cancer screening.

Before the program was implemented, regular cervical cancer screening did not exist in Mongolia. The program diffused and strengthened primary care screening services (Pap test) as well as prevention programs. Gynecological doctors from the NCC were systematically dispatched to the 338 soums or districts throughout the nation. They trained local doctors and midwives on how to administer the Pap test.  The program coordinated two initiatives: a pilot HPV vaccination program for girls aged 11-15 years from four select areas and a Pap test program for women aged 30-60 years. The women and girls who participated are urged to get screened every three years thereafter. Health education campaigns were also broadcast on select television and radio programs targeted at women and girls.

Comparing a survey taken at the program’s outset in 2010 to your survey at the program’s conclusion in 2013, what behavioral changes have been observed?

Our preliminary results have shown increased knowledge about risk factors and screening services. Women in both rural and urban areas are now more informed about cervical cancer risk factors. Awareness of the need for a Pap test increased from 15.3 percent in 2010 to 45.3 percent in 2013. The respondents also reported being more educated about the suggested frequency of visiting a doctor, and the availability of services outside of Ulaanbaatar. Due to increased knowledge, 54.2 percent of the women surveyed confirmed that they had attended cervical screening services.

What impact did the program have on younger generations?

We analyzed mothers’ attitude toward the HPV vaccination and their openness to their daughters receiving it. Awareness of the vaccine’s ability to prevent cervical cancer improved from 15.3 percent in 2010 to 45.3 percent in 2013. Our results show that 81.7 percent of mothers agreed on the importance of vaccination for their daughters once they become aware of the option. The same study conducted in 2010 showed only 28 percent of the respondents were aware of the vaccine’s existence and its connection to cancer prevention. Positive perceptions toward vaccination are very important because the vaccine can prevent one of the major causes of cervical cancer.

How were geographical divisions and local stigmas toward cancer considered?

An example of a poster that advertises cervical screening now found in local clinics.

Mongolia has 21 aimags or provinces further divided into numerous baghs or villages; each population has different priorities. Cultural relevance is key in advertising and implementing cancer screening and vaccination programs. For example, the program sought out input from local women’s and community groups in each aimag to inform about local customs. Cervical cancer screening was also linked to important events in a women’s life, i.e. becoming a mother or grandmother, to make it easier for the patient to validate resources spent. The program also set up a system of sending personalized invitations for screening during patients’ birthday months every three years.

What secondary reinforcements were used to campaign for cancer screening?

Media and targeted marketing were used to strengthen the message outside of the doctor–patient setting. Printed materials were placed in family practice clinics. The first lady of Mongolia generated media attention regarding the HPV vaccine for young girls. Beyond individual counseling, group awareness and other reinforcements can motivate participating women to follow treatment recommendations and reinforce satisfaction. The hope is that these women will then encourage other women to get screened.

Gendengarjaa will present her research with Naranbaatar Dashdorj, founder and chairman of the Onom Foundation and a 2014 Sloan Fellow at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, on April 9. The event is open to the public; more information can be found by clicking the link below.

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Average life expectancy in Mongolia is 65 years, much shorter than that of other East Asian countries such as South Korea (78.5 years) and China (72.5 years). Furthermore, healthy life expectancy in Mongolia is even shorter, rendering the situation even more tragic. The World Health Organization estimates that the healthy life expectancy is 53 years for males and 58 years for females.

This colloquium will provide an overview of health in Mongolia and its healthcare system, with expertise from two speakers. First, Dr. Gendengarjaa Baigalimaa, Developing Asia Health Policy Fellow at Shorenstein APARC, will discuss her comparative study of how knowledge of cervical cancer risk factors has influenced behavior changes in Mongolia before and after the introduction of the National Cervical Cancer Program.

Second, Dr. Dashdorj will present on overview of the healthcare initiatives of the Onom Foundation, designed to mitigate excess and premature mortality of Mongolians via knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship. He will report on a March national health policy meeting in Mongolia’s capital and recent strides in health improvement made with the support of the Onom Foundation.

Gendengarjaa Baigalimaa joins the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (Shorenstein APARC) during the 2013-2014 academic year as the Developing Asia Health Policy Fellow. She joins APARC from the Mongolian National Cancer Center, where she serves as a Gynecological Oncologist.

During her appointment as Health Policy Fellow, she is completing her comparative study of how knowledge of cervical cancer risk factors has influenced behavior changes in Mongolia before and after the introduction of the National Cervical Cancer Program.

Baigalimaa is the Executive Director of Mongolian Society of Gynecological Oncologists and is also a member of the International Gynecological Cancer Society (IGCS) in Mongolia, Russia, and France.

Baigalimaa holds a MD from Minsk Belarussia Medical University. She also received a Masters in Health Science from Mongolian Medical University. She is fluent in both Russian and English.

Dr. Dashdorj hails from very humble beginnings. He was born and raised in the southwestern outskirts of Mongolia known as Gobi-Altay province, where the Altay Mountains border with the bare rock covered desert basins of the Gobi. Because of the unique upbringing, Dr. Dashdorj has a profound commitment for making a tangible difference in lives of fellow Mongols. At the same time, he strongly believes that entrepreneurship is the best vehicle for making a difference.

He obtained a Ph.D. in physics from Purdue University in 2005 and was a postdoctoral fellow at the US National Institutes of Health. His research using ultrafast optical spectroscopy and time-resolved x-ray imaging techniques is published in 17 original manuscripts in prominent, peer-reviewed scientific journals, such as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In 2010, Dr. Dashdorj became a faculty member at the Argonne National Laboratory. Despite his successes in scientific research, he gave up his academic career in 2013 to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams, since he truly believed that he can make a tangible difference via entrepreneurship, experimenting with a model of subsidizing philanthropic actions by a certain percentage of equity and profits of a for-profit company.

Philippines Conference Room

Shorenstein APARC
Encina Hall E332
616 Serra Street
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 724-5710 (510) 705-2049 (650) 723-6530
Developing Asia Health Policy Fellow

Gendengarjaa Baigalimaa joins the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (Shorenstein APARC) during the 2013-2014 acedemic year as the Asia Health Policy Program Fellow. She joins APARC from the Mongolian National Cancer Center, where she serves as a Gynecological Oncologist.

During her appointment as Health Policy Fellow, she will conduct a comparative study of how knowledge of cervical cancer risk factors has influenced behavior changes in Mongolia before and after the introduction of the National Cervical Cancer Program.

Baigalimaa is the Executive Director of Mongolian Society of Gynecological Oncologists and is also a member of the International Gynecological Cancer Society (IGCS) in Mongolia, Russia, and France.

Baigalimaa holds a MD from Minsk Belarussia Medical University. She also received a Masters in Health Science from Mongolian Medical University. She is fluent in both Russian and English.

Gendengarjaa Baigalimaa Developing Asia Health Policy Fellow Speaker Stanford University
Naranbaatar Dashdorj Founder and Chairman of Onom Foundation and a 2014 Sloan Fellow at the Stanford Graduate School of Business Speaker

Speaker bio:

Karl Eikenberry is the William J. Perry Fellow in International Security at the Center for International Security and Cooperation and a faculty member of the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University.  He is also an affiliated faculty member with the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law, and researcher with The Europe Center.

Prior to his arrival at Stanford, he served as the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan from May 2009 until July 2011, where he led the civilian surge directed by President Obama to reverse insurgent momentum and set the conditions for transition to full Afghan sovereignty.

Before appointment as Chief of Mission in Kabul, Ambassador Eikenberry had a thirty-five year career in the United States Army, retiring in April 2009 with the rank of Lieutenant General.  His military operational posts included commander and staff officer with mechanized, light, airborne, and ranger infantry units in the continental U.S., Hawaii, Korea, Italy, and Afghanistan as the Commander of the American-led Coalition forces from 2005-2007. 

He has served in various policy and political-military positions, including Deputy Chairman of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Military Committee in Brussels, Belgium; Director for Strategic Planning and Policy for U.S. Pacific Command at Camp Smith, Hawaii; U.S. Security Coordinator and Chief of the Office of Military Cooperation in Kabul, Afghanistan; Assistant Army and later Defense Attaché at the United States Embassy in Beijing, China; Senior Country Director for China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mongolia in the Office of the Secretary of Defense; and Deputy Director for Strategy, Plans, and Policy on the Army Staff.

He is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, has master’s degrees from Harvard University in East Asian Studies and Stanford University in Political Science, and was a National Security Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.

Ambassador Eikenberry earned an Interpreter’s Certificate in Mandarin Chinese from the British Foreign Commonwealth Office while studying at the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Chinese Language School in Hong Kong and has an Advanced Degree in Chinese History from Nanjing University in the People’s Republic of China. 

His military awards include the Defense Distinguished and Superior Service Medals, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Ranger Tab, Combat and Expert Infantryman badges, and master parachutist wings.  He has received the Department of State Distinguished, Superior, and Meritorious Honor Awards, Director of Central Intelligence Award, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Distinguished Civilian Service Award.  He is also the recipient of the George F. Kennan Award for Distinguished Public Service and Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Centennial Medal.  His foreign and international decorations include the Canadian Meritorious Service Cross, French Legion of Honor, Afghanistan’s Ghazi Amir Amanullah Khan and Akbar Khan Medals, and the NATO Meritorious Service Medal.

Ambassador Eikenberry serves as a Trustee for the International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Asia Foundation, and the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.  He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Academy of Diplomacy, and the Council of American Ambassadors, and was previously the President of the Foreign Area Officers Association.  His articles and essays on U.S. and international security issues have appeared in Foreign Affairs, The Washington Quarterly, American Foreign Policy Interests, The New York TimesThe Washington Post, Foreign Policy, and The Financial Times.  He has a commercial pilot’s license and instrument rating, and also enjoys sailing and scuba diving.

Reuben W. Hills Conference Room

Karl Eikenberry William J. Perry Fellow in International Security at CISAC, CDDRL, TEC, and Shorenstein APARC Distinguished Fellow; and Former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan and Retired U.S. Army Lt. General Speaker FSI

Shorenstein APARC
Encina Hall E332
616 Serra Street
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 724-5710 (510) 705-2049 (650) 723-6530
Developing Asia Health Policy Fellow

Gendengarjaa Baigalimaa joins the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (Shorenstein APARC) during the 2013-2014 acedemic year as the Asia Health Policy Program Fellow. She joins APARC from the Mongolian National Cancer Center, where she serves as a Gynecological Oncologist.

During her appointment as Health Policy Fellow, she will conduct a comparative study of how knowledge of cervical cancer risk factors has influenced behavior changes in Mongolia before and after the introduction of the National Cervical Cancer Program.

Baigalimaa is the Executive Director of Mongolian Society of Gynecological Oncologists and is also a member of the International Gynecological Cancer Society (IGCS) in Mongolia, Russia, and France.

Baigalimaa holds a MD from Minsk Belarussia Medical University. She also received a Masters in Health Science from Mongolian Medical University. She is fluent in both Russian and English.

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A well-known puzzle in the study of Asian democratization is the inverse relationship between the level of democracy and the support for the "D" word. According to the latest Asian Barometer survey, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, and Cambodia have a much higher level of overt support for democracy than those well-recognized democracies such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. To unravel this puzzle, the authors develop a new regression method for the two-dimensional typological analysis including the "D" word and the liberal democratic attitude. Four ideal types of democratic orientation are defined and analyzed: Consistent Democrats (high support for democracy, high liberal democratic value), Critical Democrats (low support for democracy, high liberal democratic value), Non-Democrats (low support for democracy, low liberal democratic value), and Superficial Democrats (High support for democracy, low liberal democratic value). Different from most of the regression methods, the dependent variables in typological regression include the radius and the azimuth and therefore transform the categorical nature of the two-by-two typology into distinctive types with a continuous character. The preliminary result indicates the high support rate of the "D" word in those less democratic countries is associated with a phenomenon that the word "democracy" has lost its distinctive semantic meaning and could embrace all desirable political values, covering any variety of political systems in the world.

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