Taking Stock of India’s Democracy

Taking Stock of India’s Democracy

The November 2023 issue of Democracy and Autocracy features essays from contributors to the forthcoming volume The Troubling State of India’s Democracy (University of Michigan Press, Emerging Democracies Series), co-edited by Larry Diamond (Stanford University), Šumit Ganguly (Indiana University), and Dinsha Mistree (Stanford University). Newsletter authors include Diamond, Ganguly, and Mistree; as well as Maya Tudor (University of Oxford); John Echeverri-Gent (University of Virginia); Aseema Sinha (Claremont McKenna College); Andrew Wyatt (University of Bristol); Kanta Murali (University of Toronto); and Eswaran Sridharan (University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study of India in Delhi). Mukulika Banerjee (London School of Economics and Political Science) and Sushmita Pati (National Law School of India University, Bengaluru) also exchange reviews of their recent books, Cultivating Democracy: Politics and Citizenship in Agrarian India (Banerjee, Oxford University Press, 2021) and Properties of Rent: Community, Capital and Politics in Globalising Delhi (Pati, Cambridge University Press, 2022). Anindita Adhikari (U-M) and Nandini Dey (U-M) serve as guest editors.

The Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies at the University of Michigan hosted a roundtable connected to this issue in September 2023, with Diamond, Ganguly, and Mistree presenting as panelists and Adhikari and Dey serving as respondents. Watch the recording here.