Our Epistemological Crisis: "Ilmu Budaya" and "Two Cultures" Revisited

Our Epistemological Crisis: "Ilmu Budaya" and "Two Cultures" Revisited

Academic Oration on the 63rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran

This talk on the subject of scientific research was delivered virtually on 1 November 2021 to mark the anniversary of the official opening on 1 November 1958 of what is now called the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Padjadjaran University in suburban Bandung, Indonesia.

In his remarks, Donald K. Emmerson recalls his experience as a student in Indonesia, discusses the rejection and subversion of the distinction between fact and opinion in what he calls “our epistemological crisis," and ends with comments on a different but related distinction: the institutional separation of the humanities from the sciences, as if they were two different spheres of thought and specialization.