Marietje Schaake


Marietje Schaake

  • International Policy Director at the Cyber Policy Center
  • International Policy Fellow at the Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence


Marietje Schaake is international policy director at Stanford University Cyber Policy Center and international policy fellow at Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. In September 2024, her book ‘The Tech Coup, How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley’ comes out with Princeton University Press.

Between 2009 and 2019, she served as a Member of European Parliament for the Dutch liberal democratic party where she focused on trade, foreign affairs, and technology policies. She writes a monthly column for the Financial Times and serves on the UN’s AI Advisory Body.

Marietje is an (Advisory) Board Member with a number of non-profits including MERICS, ECFR, ORF and AccessNow.



July 2021

Opinion: Global spyware such as Pegasus is a threat to democracy. Here’s how to stop it.

cover link Opinion: Global spyware such as Pegasus is a threat to democracy. Here’s how to stop it.

In The News

Marietje Schaake discusses the misuse of technology and the rise of digital authoritarianism with Youtube CEO Neal Mohan at the 2023 Summit for Democracy.

Policy Impact Spotlight: Marietje Schaake on Taming Underregulated Tech

A transatlantic background and a decade of experience as a lawmaker in the European Parliament has given Marietje Schaake a unique perspective as a researcher investigating the harms technology is causing to democracy and human rights.
cover link Policy Impact Spotlight: Marietje Schaake on Taming Underregulated Tech