Bahman Bahmani

Bahman Bahmani

Bahman Bahmani


Bahman did his PhD at Stanford University, supported by William R. Hewlett Stanford Graduate Fellowship, and focused on the topic of algorithms for big data applications, in which he is a well-published author in some of the best conferences and journals, including PVLDB, SIGMOD, WWW, and KDD. He was the last PhD student of the legendary late Rajeev Motwani, and has been also advised and co-advised by Ashish Goel and Prabhakar Raghavan (formerly Yahoo VP of Strategy, currently Google VP of Engineering). His industry experience during his PhD studies spans several internships and collaborations with some of the best researchers and practitioners from Twitter, Microsoft Research, Yahoo Research, AOL, and Google. He is a recipient of the Yahoo Key Scientific Challenges Award for his contributions to the area of search technologies.