Gustavs Zilgalvis

Gustavs Zilgalvis Headshot

Gustavs Zilgalvis

  • Master's in International Policy Class of 2025


Gustavs Zilgalvis is a Ford Dorsey Master’s in International Policy candidate at Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and a founding Director at the Center for Space Governance. At Stanford, he is specializing in Cyber Policy and Security and is interested in the geopolitical and economic implications of the development of space and artificial intelligence.

Previously, Gustavs has written about the interface of space and artificial intelligence in Frontiers of Space Technology, held a Summer Research Fellowship in the governance of artificial intelligence at Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute, and his research in computational high-energy physics has appeared in SciPost Physics and SciPost Physics Core. Gustavs holds a Bachelor of Science with First-Class Honours in Theoretical Physics from University College London, and graduated first in his class from the European School Brussels II. Gustavs is an enthusiastic golfer who has two national championships, and enjoys skiing, surfing, cycling, swimming, and listening to music in his spare time.