Defending U.S. Allies and Interests Against Russian Aggression in Eastern Europe

Defending U.S. Allies and Interests Against Russian Aggression in Eastern Europe

On February 16, 2022, FSI Director Michael McFaul testified before the House Comittee on Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on National Security examining Russia’s destabilizing activity in Eastern Europe, including its recent buildup of approximately 130,000 troops along Ukraine’s borders.

On Wednesday, February 16, at 10:00 a.m. ET, Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, held a virtual virtual hearing to examine Russia’s destabilizing activity in Eastern Europe, including its recent buildup of approximately 130,000 troops along Ukraine’s borders.

The United States has important national security interests in supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as defending the international order that has helped to promote peace and security in Europe since the end of World War II.

While U.S. officials have stated that a Russian invasion of Ukraine could begin “at any time,” President Biden and his Administration remain engaged in an intensive diplomatic effort to support our Ukrainian allies, reassure our NATO partners, and make clear to President Putin that Russia will pay a heavy price for any further aggression against Ukraine.



The Honorable Michael McFaul
Director, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Stanford University

Dr. Andrea Kendall-Taylor
Director, Transatlantic Security Program
Center for a New American Security

Lieutenant General (ret.) Ben Hodges
Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies
Center for European Policy Analysis

The Honorable Richard Grenell
Former Acting Director of National Intelligence