Negotiating the New START Treaty by Rose Gottemoeller wins the Douglas Dillon Book Award.

Negotiating the New START Treaty by Rose Gottemoeller wins the Douglas Dillon Book Award.

In clear, jargon-free prose, leavened with humor, Gottemoeller conveys both the facts and the flavor of an intense, high-stakes negotiation. The book is a highly enjoyable as well as useful master class in American diplomacy at its best.
Image of Rose Gottemoeller sitting in front of the U.S. flag

Rose Gottemoeller is the first female Deputy Secretary General of NATO and the first woman to lead a major nuclear arms negotiation. As the US chief negotiator of the New START treaty, her new book Negotiating the New START Treaty is hailed by Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State, as one “future negotiators would benefit from reading” and by William J. Perry, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, as “the definitive book on this treaty or indeed, any of the nuclear treaties with the Soviet Union or Russia.”

Read the rest at The Academy of Diplomacy