Bat-borne Nipah virus could help explain COVID-19

Bat-borne Nipah virus could help explain COVID-19

Researchers have long known that the number of human infections from the bat-borne Nipah virus fluctuates from year to year. A new study provides insights into the reasons why. Stanford epidemiologist Stephen Luby, MD, discussed the findings and how they relate to COVID-19.
Two bats hanging upside down Charles J. Sharp of Sharp Photography / Wikimedia

Researchers have long known that the number of human infections from the bat-borne Nipah virus fluctuates from year to year. Now, a new study provides insights into the reasons why.

In a Stanford News Q&A, Stanford epidemiologist Stephen Luby, MD, discussed the findings and how they relate to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

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