Updates on Seeing is Learning Eye Care Initiative


As the “Seeing is Learning” project unfolds, we will be providing updates on the most recent situation in the field. These updates will be telling the story of the project through telling the stories of the people involved at different stages. We hope to celebrate, educate, and inspire OneSight collaborators in China and around the world, as well as others involved in this year-long research project.

Beginning in August, we will be reporting on those involved in preparing for “Seeing is Learning.” Once the program launches in September, we will begin reporting on those at the forefront in the field. We will be profiling OneSight collaborators of all kinds—opticians, doctors, laboratory workers, manufacturing workers, management, etc.

As the project proceeds further, we will also be sharing stories of the students, parents and teachers who are directly impacted by the project.


> Yulin Optician Calls REAP/OneSight Project “Wonderful”
> Eye Care is Like Cars in China, Says Beijing Eye Doctor
> Every Child Deserves Eye Care, Says Guangdong Eye Doctor
> I Want to Help Kids Just Like Me, Says Yulin Optician 
> Why a Student Volunteer is Proud to Give Back 
> Clearer Vision for a Smarter Workforce 
> A Second Chance
> "Glasses are Like Magic"
> Your Eyes, Our Responsibility
> A Thousand Miles
> Priceless
> The World Beyond Her Village
> "It Really Opened My Eyes" says Parent During Vision Care Training
> Helping Others
> "We Will Not Take This for Granted" says Mother
> Seeing the World More Clearly

Project Updates

> REAP/OneSight "Seeing is Learning" Project Launch
> Vision Health of Rural Primary School Students Worrisome
> Vision Care Training Underway
> The Glasses are Here!
> Looking “Under the Hood” of a Major Policy Experiment